My name is Pontus Pettersson, welcome to my game studio!
I have a burning passion for creating video games and I’m currently chasing my dream of creating emotionally involving gaming experiences.
In 2016 I co-founded Antler Interactive and have since then programmed, designed and released multiple titles for VR, AR, mobile and PC. I had a blast and a wonderful journey working with our games and with my awesome colleagues. However…
Early 2022 I realized that I needed to pursue something different. I know what I love about video games and it is to be so emotionally involved with a story that when it is time to face the end - I will probably be emotionally scarred for weeks to come!
Now I want to be the one creating those stories and experiences!
Knowing this - I founded a new studio called “Rennert Games”. Now I will start realizing my dream of creating something I feel very emotionally invested in and to eventually share it with the world.
What's up!
My name is Hampus Granberg, and I'm a 3D-artist, Technical Artist, Concept Artist, Animator, Musician, and part-time massive overthinker, and addict of creativity.
Like many others, games has always been part of my life, ever since the first time playing Legend of Zelda in my sister's room when she wasn't looking, grown up to be an ambient horror fanatic, and still big time Zelda nerd, working with both realism as well as stylization.
Just like Pontus, I co-founded Antler Interactive in 2016, and worked in many areas of expertise, releasing a lot of different titles for VR, AR, mobile and PC. It was quite the blast to work those long hours into the night, and learn many new things along the way, with fantastic teams and co-workers, but of course...
Just like Pontus I also felt a new calling, one which I, about half a year later to that of him, decided to pursue, with Rennert Games!
Now the winds are in our sails, and we're off to wherever they take us, and other dorky euphemisms!